Our eyes are precious, and doing what we can to ensure they stay healthy longer is important. Fortunately, there are many easy things you can do in your life to do just that. While some conditions may be unavoidable, the majority can be avoided or at least have reduced symptoms by just being smart and living a healthy life. From eating right to relaxing, we invite you to take a closer look at some of the easiest and best things you can do to keep your eyes healthy.
Eat healthy
Most of us have heard of the term “brain food” but did you know there is “eye food” as well? Choosing to eat food which are rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, can greatly improve your eye health. Carrots and other green and leafy vegetables should make up a large part of a healthy diet. Eggs, citrus, fruits and berries and nuts are filled with vitamins like A, E, C and zinc, all of which promote eye health.
Go to the eye doctor regularly
This is an easy way to reduce permanent vision loss for example, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. However, if caught early enough, the symptoms of glaucoma and other serious eye diseases can be slowed and even controlled for many years to come.
Protect your eyes from injuries
From reducing eye strain by not staring at your computer for too long, to wearing protective eye wear at your job or even sunglasses outside, your eyes are sensitive and need to be protected. Take 20 second breaks from your computer screen, avoid UV rays and wear safety glasses at work or when playing sports. These are a just a few easy ways to protect your eyes from injury.
Know your family history
Genetics play a role in the health of your eyes. For example, a family history of eye disease, other conditions such as diabetes or certain congenital eye disorders cannot be avoided however controlling the symptoms and knowing what may affect you can reduce the risk of losing your sight completely, in many cases.
Stop smoking or don’t start
Not only is smoking bad for the rest of your body, it is also bad for your eyes. Smokers are more likely to develop macular degeneration , cataracts and suffer optic nerve damage.
Don’t take your eye health lightly. Do your part to start protecting your eyes today. For more information on this or other eye health questions, contact Alpine Eye Care, a leading eye care provider in Northern Michigan.